Suitkees Keeshonden

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Not to be lost !


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On our old website we had information we dont want to loose.

This website, which is now deleted, told us the amount of people who did look at the site.


Hits Since 3/21/01 3:14am -- 20,250 hits

Hits Since Global Reset Feb 11, 2001-- 20,250 hits.

And this was in the period from 11/2/01 - 1/9/02.


We were lucky that we could save the messages

that were written, and here they are:




AussieMaid So glad that Silver Duchess has such a good looking sire as Leo. 3/30/01 3:32am

Suitkees I hope that you like our introductions and the photo's. Please reply in our guestbook and if you have questions, write them down and we'll try to answer them. Clarissa 3/30/01 7:32pm

Doreenc Clarissa your site looks great, I have been trying to work on mine but can't get it to look like this. What's the secret? 4/1/01 3:50pm

Neef Flip Ik heb je site met je keeshonden gezien. Het ziet er erg indrukwekkend uit. Fijn dat jullie zo'n leuke hobbie hebben, al zal het ook wel hard werken zijn. Groetjes 4/3/01 11:37am

Johanna Klaartje Your site looks great hope to get one up myself one of these days 4/5/01 2:58pm

doreenc Clarissa - wish I had your knack for the web site. I hope to get mine looking this good one day in the near fututre. 4/7/01 1:38am

HelenCobain Clarissa - the web page looks fantastic. Hope all's still great with your new pubs and I look forward to seeing some more pictures. 4/8/01 4:29pm

Elly Prachtig jullie honden. Wie is toch je neef Flip? Komt me zo bekend voor, maar kan het niet thuis brengen. Kunnen we een "Kees" adopteren?. Verwachten dan wel, dat jullie hem (ik wil een reutje) zindelijk maken, opvoeden en persoonlijk komen afleveren. Bed en breakfast inbegrepen natuurlijk. Groetjes, Piet en Elly 4/17/01 1:30pm

Ines Jaatinen thank you for providing me with information on Keeshonds, and am looking forward to takeing one home!! 4/19/01 6:12am

Lea Nice website Clarissa!! Your puppies are cuties! 4/19/01 5:59pm

Karen Hoff-Starrenburg Halo familie, Leuk om jullie site te zien en wat lijkt jullie hond Leo op zijn naamgenoot. Groeten van Karen ( 4/20/01 2:00pm

doreenc Web site looks great - have sent you update photos of Aust. Ch. Suitkees Majesteit and Aust. Ch. Suitkees Well N Truly. Thanks for including them in your Champions page. 4/22/01 12:53am

Pat Brown Well done Clarissa ! Hope to do something similar at a later date. That Koster is a real charmer eh! And what can I say about Tineke.......beautiful of course 4/24/01 5:19am

Terry Hancock of Thought that I should do the turnabout and visit your site. You certainly have had some handsome boys and girls produced at your site. And we seem to interpret the Kees basics in the same manner. Vanna has turned in to a real star with her column and I am made to be busy with sending out autographed pictures and business cards for the site that show her... She and Casey and frankly any Kees are a delight addition to life. As you can tell from the site, I really respect them... Come back often, as I will get Vanna up off the couch often and have her write more columns. Remember, she works for one half of one peanut...not bad... 4/26/01 7:27am

Sandi Creighton Hi Clarrisa. Thanks for the invite to look. Looking good. Doreen tells me that we have met and had dinner together. Better fill me in on when/where. Its good to catch up on these things. Good luck with your puppies. 5/2/01 3:36am

doreenc Clarissa & Matt - just love the black and white photo of dogs in the bush. 5/11/01 2:43am

keren hoffman very nice web site. realy great dogs and cute pups. good luck in the future. if you'll ever visit israel i'dd like to meet you. you are welcom. you can e-mail me 5/18/01 11:31pm

Rita Roebers Hi Klaartje en Thijs. Your site is realy something else and and love all the pictures. Good luck with the puppies. I found them adorable there in your car at the fair of the Dutch Club. 6/1/01 1:46am

marga Een mooie site Klarie , dankzij deze site hebben we een hele mooie pup van jouw. Je hebt er heel veel voor gedaan ,wij zijn je er zeer dankbaar voor en we hopen dat hij waar mag maken waarvoor hij bij ons is .Wij zullen contact blijven houden. 6/4/01 5:13am

Johanna ozzie looks great Klaarie I hope his new mum & dad have a lot of fun with him 6/4/01 3:04pm

Nickola hi oma great site lots of pictures to look at and heaps of cool infomation. lov ya Nickola xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 6/16/01 5:10pm

Beauwood Hi Clarissa, You've done a marvellous job on your web site. Good luck for the future. 6/27/01 4:11am

Anne de groot Hallo lieve Oma, de puppies vindt ik leuk en lief, gaat het goed met de puppie die U nog hebt? Hoe heet die ook al weer? xxxxxxx Anne 6/30/01 6:04am

Lonni de Groot hoi oma,leuke foto's zeg! ik vind u website erg leuk ik zou zelf ook wel een hondje willen, maar dat mag niet van pap en mam nou, doei -xxxxxxxxxxxx-jes lonni p.s. doe de groetjes aan opa! 6/30/01 6:14am

Thijs de Groot Hallo oma hier eindelijk een berichtje van mij waar u al zo lang op zit te wachten. ik vindt het een hele leuke site! Groetjes Thijs de Groot 6/30/01 8:23am

Suitkees A very big Thank You to all the people who signed my guestbook. My grandchildren, family and friends, those people who own Kezen of my line.s, and new friends, just people who own a Kees. To you all, Thank you so very much. And do come back to have a look, we still change the pages now and than.Clarissa 7/13/01 8:10pm

mitchy hi oma like your website, i wan't to make one too it's so good lovv ya & see ya xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo 7/13/01 11:33pm

justlove Nifty site!! 7/20/01 10:49pm

misdaad22 Hallo daar, hoe gaat het met jullie....nog bedankt dat je mijn gastenboek heb ingevuld. Wij wonen in Spijkenisse ongeveer 25km. ten zuiden van Rotterdam. Het is op dit moment zomer en ongeveer 30 graden hier op zolder, dus ik hou het even kort nu want het is nogal warm hier. Vriendelijke groeten van Leo en ik hoop nog van jullie te horen. Je kan ook mijn E-mail adres gebruiken. Dat is Of al je icq of msn gebruikt kunnen we ook in contact blijven. Nogmaals de groeten en tot een volgende keer. 7/24/01 5:22am

Suitkees Klarie, het is leuk om te zien hoe jullie bezig zijn.De foto gallery is ook mooi. De korte gegevens over jullie familie geven een achtergrond en vormen samen een goed geheel. Veel plezier met jullie honden.Nicht Clara. 8/2/01 5:27pm

Frits en Alida uit Norg Hoi Ome Thijs en Tante Klarie, We hebben jullie site bekeken en het was mooi om wat van jullie te zien. Zoals als jullie genieten van jullie Keeshonden genieten wij van onze eerste kleindochter Myrthe! Groeten Frits en Alida uit Norg 8/5/01 1:50am

Suitkees MANFRED BERGHAUSEN, Thank you for your visit on our HomePage.Even if this is not ready.We keep you informed when all subjects on this page are finished. We have visited your home page too and found your keeshonds very sweet. In the future we will breed with our "Candy" too. We are still looking for a male dog. Perhaps we can stay in touch. 8/6/01 5:09am

wheng G'day mate, We saw your puppy in Netherlands Chief, he is a very handsome boy.And very friendly. 8/11/01 11:39pm

wheng Hello Aviflora We saw your latest photo of your puppy's,we are so excited. From Duncan and Rowena DUBAI 8/11/01 11:44pm

Ralph en Henny Prachtige site! Mooie fotos van goeie honden. Leuk om te bezoeken. Kom nog wel eens terug. Ralph en Henny 8/20/01 2:55am

pidio023 Hello, Your dogs are very beautiful. i enjoyed my visit to your site very much. I will come back again to see new additions. Stop by my site and say hello in my guestbook. Aloha from Hawaii. 8/25/01 8:41am

Lei Via de Nederlandse Keeshondenclub op jullie website terechtgekomen. Wij hebben een bijna tienjarige keeshond, waarmee we steeds dikkere maatjes worden. Hij/wij kennen mekaars streken steeds beter. Ik zou hem niet meer willen missen. Jullie hebben een mooie site met mooie foto's. 9/4/01 1:21pm

Jan den Heyer Hoera zit nu op je website en ga nu de boel bekijken. 9/10/01 4:59am

Pat smith Lovely dogs Clarissa, I like Bear on Joeke very much. 9/15/01 2:14am

Gert en Cobi en Dorien Grift heel leuk jullie site wij hebben ook een kees hond 9/19/01 5:35am

Angelika Rubens Hi, I`m a german Keeshondbreeder. You have very nice dogs. By Angelika Rubens 9/23/01 9:07am

RussellJDS HOWDY! Brought a gift too. <bgsound src="" -1"> 10/24/01 2:41pm

femke ik heb ook een keeshond ik vind het erg leuk om naar uw site te kijken ik ben 14 jaar 11/12/01 6:58am

Suitkees FEMKE, Wij hadden ook een teefje met de naam Femke, mooie naam He? En wij krijgen steeds meer foto's, blijf kijken! 11/13/01 6:39pm

Cook family Thanks very much for posting the photo of Heidi, Rex and Fay on the site - it looks really great. They really are beautiful dogs and have such good natures. Heidi and Fay get along well together, and will even share bones from time to time. Faye is fitting into the family perfectly. And they sure are good watchdogs. 11/17/01 7:31pm

Suitkees COOK-KONIG FAMILY, thank you for writing in, stay looking. 11/17/01 9:01pm

lynne west Hi Clarissa - it's a great site! Brought back so many happy memories of meeting you and my first kees 'Smokey'. I still miss his laughing face and the way he used to smile at everybody. Kodi is thankfully a lot lighter when she thinks she's a lap dog. 11/25/01 12:28pm

Angelique & Kees-Jan Mooie en goede side. Vooral de foto's zijn erg goed. Jullie doen leuk werk. P.S. Leuk om jullie weer eens gezien te hebben. Groetjes 1/6/02 2:19am

Rowena and Duncan We heared the news about "CHIEF". He got 4 boys and 4 girls. Congratulations 4/11/02 7:17pm

Wheng We heared the news about "CHIEF". He got 4 boys and 4 girls. Congratulations 4/11/02 7:17pm

wheng Hello "Suitkees Club". I have 3 "KEESHOND", two boys and one female(Vandolf, Bilbo,Tuily) and one of them from Holland. Marga and Anton Koning was the "BREEDER.. She is very intillegence little puppy. She is only 7 months old when we join the "Dog Show in Dubai" and she won the Firts prize in utility class. The judge said, she have the perfect stand and figure to be the winner in the dog show. We are so happy to have her in the family because she is so adorable and very beautiful, she really have this girly look. We are very proud to become the "KEESHOND OWNER" 4/11/02 10:24pm

Suitkees Hallo Rowena and Duncan, is that thesame as Wheng? Thank you for your comments.Please leave me your emailadres? Marga and I would like to stay in contact.My emailadres is on the HOME PAGE of this website. 4/12/02 8:22pm

Rien van Dorland Complimenten voor de prachtige foto's Van de mooie Keeshonden. Veel succes Marga! 4/30/02 2:21am

boblee can we have a contact phone number to get in contact with you as we have purchased a dog of you before.Please e mail details. 6/10/02 6:04pm

Britta Schweikl Hello Keeshond lovers and breeders my name is Britta, I come from Austria but live in Germany now. I have written a book on the Wolfsspitz in German language in 1988. Now I work on a new issue. Can you help me? The book will be mainly about the breed in the German speaking and European countries but it will also cover the Keeshond breeding elsewhere in the world. It will have about 300 pages and 250 photos. Now I look for information about Keeshonds anywhere in the world and of course for photos. If you are a breeder, you could help me with some information about your kennel. All kinds of photos are welcome, like puppy photos or even photos of pets. Of course, photos of your current show dogs or of yesteryear dogs are very interesting for readers. What I am also looking for are photos of dogs with obvious faults (like big ears) and variation in colours (lighter or darker specimen) (- the name of the dogs on the pictures are not mentioned then). Also photos of working Keeshonds are welcome (obedience, agility etc). Please include information about the dogs on the photos (titles etc). The photos will be returned after the book is finished together with a photocopy of the page on which they were printed. You can send the photos to my postal adress - see below - I would prefer this method! or scanned : please note that the minimum resolution is 300dpi, but you can scan them in grey as there will be only black&white photos in the book. This makes the files much smaller and you can send them attached to an eMail. Anyway, if you wish to send several photos, I would recommend to split them on two or three eMails. You can also send photos on a diskette or CD to my postal adress. I hope to hear from you soon. best wishes Britta P.S. I also make handwritten 10 generation pedigrees of Keeshonds. |\__/| Britta Schweikl / \ Waldstr. 13 /_.~ ~,_\ D-85457 Wörth \@/ Tel/Fax 08123/8690 (Germany) 8/7/02 12:19pm
